Kirill Zonov

Recent Posts

May 23, 2018

Golang for Rubyists. Part 5. How to start applying Golang to AWS Lambda

In the company I work for, we recently started using Golang for lambda functions development, to replace domination of Node.js ones and with a hope of getting better performance and development speed. I can just say that so far things run smoothly, and I will have a more thorough post about lambdas development on Go on the company blog. And here I will help you get started with it, create your first function and deploy it to the cloud.

March 22, 2018

Golang for Rubyists. Part 2. Go type system

Hello, my dear Golang newcomers. I feel so excited when I start writing this post! This is because I learn in the meantime. If when I’m writing about Ruby or JS I’m mostly describing my experience, probably with some additions of new findings I’ve got during the preparation, however in this particular case I’m learning together with you. And today’s post will be about types and logical structures of Go. Let’s start!

March 15, 2018

Golang for Rubyists. Part 1. Go 1.10 OSX installation and getting started

Hey folks, I’m starting getting my feet wet with Golang and plan to document the process so it would be easy for me to recall it in the future and probably useful for some of you as well! In this first post, I will cover some basic things like what Golang is for, how to install it and how to write and run your first program.